Lindsay’s Q&A with Kate Scelsa, author of Luminary
Lindsay’s Q+A with Kate Scelsa, author of Luminary: A Magical Guide to Self-Care
Intuition Q&A
Lindsay’s answers to some of your most commonly asked questions about intuition, channeling, and nourishing a deeper relationship with Spirit.
Living our Tarot Practice
How can we allow the unfolding of our lives to be the ultimate Tarot guide for our continued learning?
Dropping In
A practice that can completely transform our Tarot practice, yet it is also one that tends to get skipped or missed the most.
The Present Is All There Is
How can we connect to and lean on Tarot for this moment?
Positive Cards in Painful Situations
To understand the “why” of the cards we pull, especially in these moments, we have to go a little deeper.
The Tarot Belongs to You
It belongs to you without anyone needing to give you permission.
Transforming Anxiety in Our Tarot Practice
A spread for cultivating curiosity around our fear, worry and anxiety.
Releasing a "Positive" Card
The first place we have to begin with this question is by unpacking our concept of positive or negative cards.
Intuition in the Unknown
Being in the chrysalis of life is often very important.
Working with Reversals
Reversals are the equivalent of taking the rugged, wild path in the forest, versus the marked trail.
Soul Support for Spiralic Times Tarot Spread
Come home to your Tarot decks, receive support and remember you are of the Spiral.
Contraction is Not Your Fault
How can we work with contraction in a spiralic manner?