Our Team


Lindsay Mack

Lindsay Mack is a queer, non-binary intuitive Tarot teacher, writer, and the founder of Tarot for the Wild Soul. She lives on unceded Kalapuya, Cowlitz, and Atfalati land (currently called Portland, OR) with her partner, their child, and their cat.

Tarot card Lindsay most identifies with: Queen of Cups


Valerie Cochran

Valerie Cochran is our Project Manager & Administrative Coordinator. Valerie is an affable extrovert, a singer-songwriter, and former farmer. She lives on Clackamas/Cowlitz land (Portland, OR) with her husband and their noisy calico cat.

Tarot card Valerie most identifies with: Strength


Annelise Feliu

Annelise Feliu is one of our amazing course transcriptionists, as well as a grant writer whose work focuses on racial equity and higher education. Originally from Puerto Rico, she is a queer femme and passionate about mysticism and the occult. Annelise currently resides in Boston with her life partner, 2 senior cats and a Shiba Inu named Haku.

Tarot card Annelise most identifies with: Strength


Meghan Lyman

Meghan is one of our wonderful transcriptionists. She is a technical writer and plant alchemist. She lives in Oakland, CA with her husband and their three rescue pups: Kikkoman, Vanna, and Ratchet.

Tarot card Meghan most identifies with: Queen of Swords


Terri Wanjiku

Terri is a Kenyan transcriber and tarot reader, finishing up her Master's in counseling psychology. She's very passionate about helping tarot become more mainstream in her super conservative country. She lives in Nairobi with her Japanese Spitz, Bailey.

The Tarot card Terri most identifies with: The Chariot


Krista Ames

Krista is one of our marvelous transcriptionists! An animal lover who spent several years in the pet boarding and dog daycare industry, she is now a certified freelance transcriptionist and a fiction writer by hobby. Krista lives in Roseville, California, with her two cats who are also known as her two sons.


A special acknowledgement to Chase Voorhees and Rachelle Sartini Garner, two amazing and indispensable former members of Team Wild Soul!

Chase edited all of the TFTWS podcast episodes up until March of 2022, and did all of the editing, visuals, and audio for all of the Tarot for the Wild Soul courses, along with many other incredible offerings. This work would never be what it is without them, and we appreciate all of the beautiful work he did while he was a member of the team! Click here to support and learn more about Chase’s work.

Rachelle designed this website and did all of the graphics for our IG, our courses starting in 2021, our workbooks and lead magnets. Her work has elevated this content so much, and we are so grateful for the legacy she left while she was a member of the team! Click here to support and learn more about Rachelle’s work.