FREE Resources
Tarot Tending
When we find ourselves in hell, moving through devastation, heartbreak, or facing uncertain times, the Tarot can be a humble source of radiant support.
Created and hosted by Lindsay Mack, Tarot Tending is a free workshop for folks who want to work with their Tarot decks as a gentle scaffold in both this moment, (and especially in the coming few years).
Free Resources
The Ultimate Soul Tarot Card Guide
Looking for a way to deepen your practice and know the cards better, all through a Soul Tarot Framework? Click the link below to receive a one of a kind, totally free resource to help you cultivate fuller trust in your Tarot pulls (and your own wise knowing)!
Free Soul Tarot Quizzes
Our quizzes are fun, enlightening, and informative! Check them both out for clarity on the Anchor Card that you are currently working with in your life, and the season that you’re business and creativity is currently cycling through.
Who has an Intuitive Message for you in the Tarot?
Signs and messages are truly everywhere -- sometimes right up close, sometimes much further away. For moments when things feel unclear, and you just need a sign, take this quiz to find out which Tarot card has an intuitive message for you right now.
Free, Mini Card Lessons
Looking for some truly potent, in-depth Soul Tarot card lessons + spreads to seal in the material? Look no further than our beautiful offerings below.
Card Lesson
Wheel of Fortune
Learn how to move into the center of the spiral with Wheel of Fortune. This card invites us to simultaneously hold what is and what will be, aligning ourselves with the support of the present moment while change swirls around us.
Card Lesson
Judgement is an awakening, an experience of insight and clarity that powerfully merges us with a truth that we are ready to see and embrace. Tap into the Scorpionic energy of the Judgement card and see what invitations it holds for you.
Card Lesson
The Aces
Each Ace is a weaving of Fool and Magician energy, initiating new cycles, and calling us into our co-creative mastery with Source. Explore the spark of each Ace and see which one is calling you with this bonus lesson, spread & exercises.
Card Lesson
Three of Swords
Rather than a foreshadowing of disaster, heartbreak, and betrayal, Three of Swords invites us to care for our hearts in difficult moments. Connect with The Three Teachers and gently explore a new way to look at the medicine of Three of Swords.
Card Lesson
Five of Swords
Five of Swords offers us the opportunity to recenter and make amends, rather than get lost in the swirl of grief, regret, guilt, and shame. Explore self-forgiveness and re-centering with the Five of Swords.
Card Lesson
Ten of Swords
Despite its intense and sometimes violent imagery, this card is compassionate and benevolent to its core. And, any Ten in the Tarot is a huge invitation. Expand into a New Cycle with this card lesson and Ten of Swords.