Living our Tarot Practice
What does it mean to live our Tarot practice, to develop relationships with each of these archetypes that we can call upon at any moment — even when we are not sitting in front of our decks?
The Tarot is infinite, universal, and ever present.
It is an archetypal language, one that lives in our bones, and is familiar and accessible to all of us, even if we don't have much experience with the Tarot itself. We can trace the formation and evolution of the Tarot throughout history, but the archetypal framework from which it was sourced from is as ancient as time itself.
This means that the essence of the Tarot existed long before it was brought down into card form. It means that each one of these archetypal energies lives within and around us, and is already present to us. In short, we are already living our Tarot practice, already engaged a powerful co-collaborative dance with so many of these energies.
How can we begin to consider what it might look or feel like to live our Tarot practice?
Every time we use our voice, or communicate in a courageous, necessary, and helpful way, we might be living our King of Swords practice.
Each time we allow ourselves to expand, take up space, and shine in our brilliance (even when it feels terrifying), we might be living our Emperor practice.
When we try to sense into a concrete decision at a time when nothing is clear, we might be living our Seven of Cups work.
When we sense that it is time to walk away from something that was working for a long time, and now is not, we might be living our Eight of Cups work.
You have likely experienced one or more of these kinds of scenarios, and you may not have considered that you were also engaged in a kind of harmonic song of support with the Tarot. Because the Tarot is in everything, this kind of deep, bolstering presence is always available to us. It can be massively empowering to consider that we don't necessarily need to pull certain Tarot cards to be working with them. Indeed, we are already living them.
In considering this notion, we might inquire about the usefulness of this practice. Why engage with the idea of living our Tarot practice when we can pull cards in any moment, for anything that arises within us?
There are times in life when, for whatever reason, pulling cards in a traditional way is not available to us.
We might be separated from our decks, or unable to access them. We might be moving through a season of our lives when traditional spreads, or methods of card interpretation might feel too overwhelming or inaccessible for our nervous systems. We might be in between decks, unable to find a tool that really works with, or for us. None of these things have to separate us from the abundant, rich support that lives within the language of the Tarot.
We can also engage with the practice of Tarot Anchoring for a similar form of engaged support. With Tarot Anchoring, we are intentionally forming a supportive, comforting, or healing bond with a particular Tarot card, calling upon it as a North Star to keep us rooted in challenging moments. It is an incredible way to foster deeper agency around the way we build relationships with these archetypes.
Again, the Tarot is in everything.
It lives in the turn of the seasons, in the perpetual life/death/life cycles that we are all moving through, in the small and large moments of life. It is there with us when we are jealous, when we are raging, when we are in love, when we are in a middle place, when we are thriving. It is of and from us, and lives within all that surrounds us. This means that we can allow the unfolding of our lives to be the ultimate Tarot guide for our continued learning. Living our Tarot practice positions us as the gatekeeper of our own knowledge with this tool. It is already there. All we need to do is open to it.
If you are longing to have this kind of engaged relationship with the Tarot, to live your practice, and learn more about the deeper process of Tarot Anchoring, we invite you to consider joining us for Tarot for the Wild Soul, an eight week Tarot mentorship, which starts on June 9th.
Together, we will explore the Tarot through a spiralic, seasonal, cyclical framework, laying our lives down next to these archetypes, looking to each of the 78 cards in the deck as invitations that can help to draw us closer to ourselves.
Enrollment for the course closes on Monday, June 7th! Learn more and sign up here.
Want to go deeper into Soul Tarot? Check out our offerings here.
Tarot for the Wild Soul
This course includes robust video and audio lessons, supportive workbooks that walk you through the material and help you develop anchored and unique relationships with each archetype of the Tarot, and weekly 2-hour live mentorship calls with Lindsay.