Intuition in the Unknown
Guides may give us yes, no, or “not right now,” but it is fairly rare that they give us an answer to “why?” in the moment that we ask them.
Sometimes, but not always. This can bring up to totally understandable confusion and upset in us, leading us to feel that we are being abandoned by Spirit, especially in moments of huge contraction and discomfort. ⠀
The truth is that not knowing is a very important part of our evolution on this planet.
Learning to see in the dark is an earned skill, one that can help us to gracefully surrender during a void time, when nothing is clear. If we always knew the answers, there would be no path of grief, no opportunity to clear and shed the emotion of a situation. It helps us to explore the forests of our being, healing and expanding along the journey.
The other truth is that our Guides are not necessarily here to support us in having a comfortable experience on this planet. It’s a bummer, but it’s true. Comfort was never promised to us as souls having a human experience. We are here to evolve and grow through what we are handed, helping one another along the way, which is largely pretty uncomfortable. Guides are committed to supporting us in this process, and as such, are not always available to provide explanations for things. Often, we have to go at the pace we go, understanding and piecing things together on our timing. We are not always ready to know, even if we think we are.
Being in the chrysalis of life is often very important. It is a time when we are growing and transforming on a cellular, alchemical level, but we can’t perceive that. In those stretches of life, the ego just feels stuck and in the dark. It isn’t until we have emerged from the cocoon with wings that we can have an understanding of the treasures that were offered to us in there.
If you are moving through an experience like this, be patient and gentle with yourself. You're not alone.