Wise Knowing Tarot Spread


We all have wise, inner selves that act as sacred compasses to us throughout the spiral of our lives. This wise, inner knowing is the part of us that is inherently connected to Source/Spirit, organically interwoven with our intuition and heart’s truth.

No matter how confusing or contractive life feels, no matter how loud the thinking mind may be, this chord of inner wisdom is always, always available to us, always singing us back home to our truth.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This wise knowing can help us to stay tethered to our truth in moments when we might feel pressured by shoulds and comparisons. It can invite us to deepen into sweetness, receiving, and tenderness, even when we don’t feel deserving of it.

It can awaken us to the places where we might be inadvertently pushing something to happen before it is ready. Once we have an awareness of that, we can widen the potential to shift into deeper surrender and deeper compassion.

We are living in profoundly intense, uncomfortable, heartbreaking, enraging times. Things are so liminal and unclear. We are all burned out, all moving through grief and trauma processing from the past year (and beyond), and in times like this, it can be so hard to even remember that we have access to a wise, intuitive aspect of ourselves. 2021 is a five year, a Hierophant year, which tends to activate our deepest discomforts and most challenging core beliefs on purpose — all so we can begin to fully witness, process, and uproot them. In this wild process of death and rebirth, when nothing is certain, it is crucial that we stay tethered to our inner knowing.

The Tarot can be a wonderful tool to us in times like this, helping to illuminate and amplify the messages that are being channeled to and through us in every moment of every day — ones that might be lost in the swirl of the kind of exhaustion and anxiety that we are all facing.

May this spread be a balm to you now and always, Wild Souls.


Wise Knowing Tarot Spread

  1. A message from my wise inner knowing

  2. Where is my wise inner self inviting me to devote my attention today?

  3. How can I trust this message from my wise inner self?

  4. What do I need to clear and release in order to fully receive and embody this message?



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