Spiral Ahead Readings with Lindsay Mack

If you feel called to sense into some of the biggest invitations, lessons, and Tarot energies that you’ll be working with in 2025, a Spiral Ahead Reading with Lindsay may be just what you’re looking for.

Spiral Ahead Readings are Lindsay’s take on a Year Ahead Spread. They are warm, expansive, down-to-earth channeling experiences with the Tarot that are centered on 1. helping you to get a sense of the shape of your year to come, and 2. how to support and resource yourself as you move through the lessons, opportunities, and invitations of the year ahead.

Spiral Ahead Readings are here to support you on your journey through the year, providing clear, gentle, non-predictive invitations through the Tarot that you are free to take or leave as you see fit.

Keep scrolling to book a Spiral Ahead Reading for yourself!

"Wow, wow, wow. I am just so blown away and exhilarated at how moving and powerful yesterday was for me -- I am savoring every moment and letting it absorb. You have such a monumental gift, Lindsay, but what is equally important is the gentle, yet so very deep, warm, compassionate and insightful ways in which you impart your considerable wisdom. I feel so very blessed to be working with you and am so very grateful."

- Nicole

Spiral Ahead Readings — $350 $450

Spiral Ahead Readings are 60-minute channeled readings around your year ahead that happen with Lindsay over audio-only Zoom or phone.

Within 24-72 hours of your reading, you will receive a photo of your spread and an audio recording of your reading. 

If you’re not able to find a time that works for you, please join the waitlist here to be the first to know when new appointments are available!

Please read our purchase policies at the bottom of the page before purchasing.

If there are no remaining appointments available, Spiral Ahead Readings are not available at this time. Thank you for your interest!

Please join the waitlist here to be the first to know when new appointments are available!

Kindly note: If you’d like to be sponsored for a reading, you may do so by signing up here! If you are blessed with extra income and you’d like to sponsor someone’s reading with Lindsay, click here to donate to our sponsorship fund. 

Looking for a way to work with Lindsay at a lower price point? Please check out our Soul Tarot courses here, and our Free Resources here!

We are working on new and exciting ways for folks to be able to work with Lindsay both on the podcast and for a much lower rate through live calls. Click here to be the first to know about these opportunities in the future.

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Before purchasing, please see our policies below. Click through to our full terms and policies for more information.

No Refunds: There are no refunds after purchase. Please deeply consider your needs before purchasing a reading or session with Lindsay. If there is an extenuating circumstance (i.e., loss of life), a refund/cancellation will be considered if acceptable documentation is provided. 

Payment Plans: There are no payment plans for readings or sessions with Lindsay. All payments must be made in full.  

Gifting Readings: We welcome you to gift a Threshold Reading to a loved one, but we do not allow Soul Tarot Readings/Intuitive Support Sessions to be gifted. If you do gift a Soul Tarot Reading/Intuitive Support Session without an awareness of this policy, we will kindly refund you and work with you to possibly gift a Threshold Reading in lieu of a Soul Tarot Reading/Intuitive Support Session. We can’t allow Soul Tarot Readings/Intuitive Support Sessions to be gifted as the recipient is not able to agree to all of the shared agreements on the intake form at the time of purchase and we would like to ensure that the recipient has fully consented to receive a reading. Please feel free to email us at info@tarotforthewildsoul.com and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have about this!

Submitting Question for Readings: Lindsay needs to know what you would like the reading/session to be about prior the reading/session (or if you are purchasing a Threshold reading, prior to the week that you will receive your reading). If you fail to submit a question or respond to a request to add more context to your question (gentle reminder that questions don’t need to be lengthy or detailed, just a few solid sentences the intention or the “why” of your reading is perfect!), Lindsay is entitled to cancel and refund this reading or session without notice if they do not hear from you 48 hours before the reading/session (or if you are purchasing a Threshold reading, 48 hours prior to the week of the reading) and they are entitled to cancel the reading/session without a refund if they don’t hear from you 12 hours before the reading/session (or if you are purchasing a Threshold reading, 12 hours before the week of the reading).

Shared Agreements: Please read our Shared Agreements, community guidelines that allow us to build a community of shared intention, warmth, and courageous learning. 

For Full Terms + Policies, please read: Terms of Use · Privacy Policy

Questions: Please reach out to info@tarotforthewildsoul.com with any questions prior to purchasing.