233: MONTHLY MEDICINE: July is the Inner Journey


July is here, and the energy is deep!


Air date:
June 30, 2023

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About the Episode

July is here, and the energy is deep! Our theme for the month ahead is the Inner Journey, offering us a potent cycle in which to clear up confusions, engage in our creative inspirations, process old wounds and outdated beliefs, and generally make room for new seeds to bloom forth from within us. It is a chapter of processing, one that will be profoundly liberating if we are willing to lean into it. Together, we will dive into the medicine of the month ahead, looking to our collective Tarot reading to help clarify the Anchors that we can work with during this cycle. We also answer a sweet listener question about whether our decks can be "winking" at us (and if so, how to make sense of it). 

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PODCAST EDITOR: Chase Voorhees
PODCAST TRANSCRIPTIONISTS: Meghan Lyman, Terri Wanjiku, Annelise Feliu, Valerie Cochran
PODCAST ART: Rachelle Sartini Garner

Land Acknowledgement

  • Honoring and acknowledging that this podcast episode was recorded on the unceded land of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, currently called Portland, OR, with the deepest respect to the Kalapuya Tribe, Cowlitz Tribe, and Atfalati Tribe.

Please Note

CW Tags: chronic illness, diagnoses, parenthood, pregnancy, postpartum, burnout, trauma, systemic inequities, and the Covid-19 pandemic

The content in this episode contains references to chronic illness, diagnoses, parenthood, pregnancy, postpartum, burnout, trauma, systemic inequities, and the Covid-19 pandemic. We have done our best to identify difficult subject matter, but the labels may not be comprehensive for your personal needs. Please honor your knowing and proceed with necessary self-awareness and care.




(Instrumental intro music)

Welcome to Tarot for the Wild Soul, a podcast that explores the Tarot through an inclusive, soul-centered, trauma-informed perspective for growth, healing, and evolution. I'm your host, Lindsay Mack. 


Hello Wild Souls. It's Lindsay, welcome back to Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast, it is truly a joy to be gathered with all of you for this, inside of this virtual space. As always, thank you so much for being here. This is our Monthly Medicine episode for the month of July. So we're gonna sense into, touch into, the invitation, the medicine, the gift, and the possibilities of this month ahead. And I'm going to answer a listener question, and then we're gonna end our time together. 

Really, really different month (Lindsay laughs), energetically. I spoke about this at Monday's episode and kind of offered up not much, but just a little clarification that the difference between the medicine and the invitation of the month of June compared with July is so different—at least, to me. I'm not necessarily sure how that reflects on the astrological end of things, but I know the Tarot and energetic end of things is quite different. 

Our theme for the month of July is “The Inner Journey.” When I got that, I was like, wow, that's really, like, intense (Lindsay laughs). Not intense, as in a bad way, just very specific. And also, that's kind of nice, because, I mean, inner journeys look and feel completely different from person to person. So it's not like it's “excavate,” or “uncover” or whatever. Sometimes just the journey itself can reveal so much. Just being on a kind of an inner pilgrimage, understanding that that's really our biggest task and job for this month ahead is to go on an inner journey, even just knowing that, and having that sense, can frame us up really quite beautifully for what July is really kind of longing to help us with. 

If we think about ourselves kind of blooming open like a flower, understanding the theme of the month, understanding how we can work with it, I think, in a very humble way, it can need the sun, the water, the right conditions, to really help that flower expanding and bloom open. So yeah, July is the inner journey. So June was all about breaking away: cutting cords, clearing out, cycles, relationships, collabs, patterns, habits, beliefs—especially that just weren't true and that we needed to physically actively break from. 

So again, I touched on this just a teeny bit on Monday, but like, now that I'm a month out, and we're out of that, I let some people go from my sort of the more distant orbits of my team, which was sad but necessary, brought some different people in, had some really strong beliefs get beautifully and importantly, in really crucial ways, shaken up and cleared out. There were a lot of really important… and then there were some areas where I was so sure there would be an ending or a completion, and there wasn't. 


So there's lots of different ways to look at this. There's lots of different ways to frame up and work around the idea of breaking away. But the thing that has felt, I think, so tricky for all of us, for the month ahead is that it's been inside of primarily June, took place primarily in Gemini energy, right? So we were in Cancer season for the last basically week or week and a half of June, and we'll talk about that. 

But Gemini energy is beautiful, but it's Mutable Air. So it's like connections and trying things out and checking things out. And like, “Is this it? Nope.” Moving on to the next thing. “Is that it? Nope.” Or, “Yes? Great.” It's a lot of change and turnover and moving around, a lot of shifting and a lot of changing which is beautiful, and also a lot. And so it makes sense that, for a lot of us, we've known inside of us for all of June, “I don't really feel like I want to continue with this. This isn't working. But I don't know quite what is,” which is also very Chariot. 

This month is not about that. This month—and I'm getting the sense that this might be a lot of the summer, in general—but this month ahead that we're going into, it's not about active breakaways. It's not about strong actions. It's not about anything like that. There might be breakaways, there might be completions, there might be unions, there might be strong actions, but that's not the focus of the month. The focus of July is touching base with ourselves. 

And I know for a lot of people that's not going to happen, and it has nothing to do—it's not to be salty. But it just simply is, number one, not all of us have the ability to go on, like, some big, inner journey, which is why I think talking about the idea of an inner journey, and framing it up in a way that feels accessible, will be really helpful. We'll talk about that today. But some people are just not available to this kind of thing, and that's really, okay. 

If we want to do it, if we're open to it, a kind of an inner journey of the soul will be very, very powerful for us. Again, that doesn't mean we're not going to be moving, shaking, making things happen, doing external things, visiting people, bopping here, there, and everywhere, getting things going. We can do all of that, and still be in a deeply internally directed place. And that is really kind of where our attention is being called right now. 


Not to go too far out, in order to come back, but, you know, the last three, three and a half years have obviously been a complete shit show and are continuing to be (Lindsay laughs), you know. They may be a shit show in a different way than they were three years ago, or two and a half years ago, or a year ago, depending on both the collective and the personal things that we were working on. Obviously, there were a lot of collective things that everyone was confronting during that time, and still are. 

There's been so much forced reflection inside of the last few years around things that are just, they haven't been supportive, they weren't supportive, we might not have ever seen that they weren't supportive until everything stopped—if we even had the option to stop. Or if we were one of the folks who had essential work, we had to keep going when other people were stopping what they were doing. Some of us moved, some of us had huge life changes. 

There's something in July, that is offering itself up as a kind of a pause and reflection point, which again, not everyone is going to feel super available to do. It's not a navel-gazing, intensely reflective time. I get that July is kind of a little bit of a resting point, a little bit of a bridge. We don't know quite what we're going to do next. It's all really sort of forming itself. 

The what's possible inside of the inner journeying that we're going to be supported in doing this month, is that it's going to help to continue to clarify for us what we don't want to do and what we do want to do. 

So, for a lot of us, because the pandemic and everything that rippled out from there was non-consensual. Like, it's not like we had a big—I know for me, personally, like even having my child, being aware of, like, no one can really prepare you for postpartum. But I knew, well, as wild as this, and as underprepared, no matter how much education and awareness and preparedness I tried to bring in, I was woefully unprepared. Still, I still chose this. 

With the pandemic and with other things, and obviously, those other things can be like we can have those feelings about anything. We can still feel like “Well, this wasn't really something I wanted. I don't feel like I chose this,” and yet, we go through that with flare-ups, with illnesses, with big diagnoses. Like “I didn't choose this, but yet I'm having to respond to this.”

It is important in life to have those Star season times where we weather a tower and then we're able to pause and say, “Whoa, what the fuck, like, was that? Where am I?” like getting a read on like where True North even is for us, like today, not even in a huge way. I'm getting it's very important for the next steps that we're about to take because a lot of different things are sort of being mashed together, baking in the oven. We're not quite ready yet to know fully, like, this is where I'm going, this is what I'm being called to do, and this is how I'm being called to do it. 

Right now, there's still a little bit of swirliness, and that swirliness is leaning and lending itself, very beautifully, to us going on a more internal journey. And again, you can be off with family on a trip and be deeply internal, be receiving a lot of things from the body, from the inner self, from the mind, from signs around us; that there are times in life when collectively we're being drawn out, and times when we're being drawn in, and July is a big one. And I do get that it has to do with providing a little bit of a breathing point, for the last several years, months, whatever it is that we've been going through. 


So our cards, our Anchor Cards for the month of July, are Five of Pentacles reversed and Nine of Swords reversed. Both cards—this is true of every card in the Tarot that can come up and be embodied, felt, experienced so differently from one person to another, from one experience or circumstance to another. Both of them, for our purposes, in terms of this collective reading, how they're showing up, and how they can be of greatest use to us this month, has to do with this inner journey that all of us are being called on in totally unique and personal ways; unlocking something for each one of us that has been keeping us stuck in a belief that's not true. 

So Five of Pentacles can show up as a lot of different things. But one way that it can show up, when not reversed, is a little bit like we're looking for something that's here, it's just not really in the form that we expected it to be in. And the reason that it can feel so hard to touch into that with Five of Pentacles is that very often we're working with this card in moments when we're a little scared, when there might be some desperation, we might feel contracted—which narrows our field of vision so enormously, that it can be very, very hard to feel like, “I think I actually am okay here. It's just maybe not what it was or it's not… I'm looking for this thing in a place where I would never think to,” or “I'm looking for this for this thing in a way that is the only way I know how to look for it, but it's not quite where I'm gonna find it.” 

The reversal indicates that we're starting to look for things in a little bit of a different way. So let's say we've been really deeply longing for partnership or friendship. And we've looked for that in the best ways that we've known how to look. July might call us into, and it might feel very unproductive and, on the surface, very innocuous. Like this “inner journey” really isn't very profound or interesting; it's really super pedantic. And we're kind of feeling more like we're stuck in something rather than in a deep, powerful place—which some of us might feel because that's sometimes what inner journeys feel like. 

Five of Pentacles reversed can indicate that we start following a tiny pull to look for friends in different places. That, rather than like, let's say, trying to meet someone in person, we try online dating. Or rather than online dating, we join a club that we've wanted to join for forever and like there's someone cool there that we kind of want to hang out with. It's little tiny whispers that can only come from sitting with ourselves, or at the very least, being with the part of it. 

Let's say we've been online dating, and it just hasn't been working. We don't want to do it, but we're afraid we won’t meet anybody if we stop. That's where we might be called to do some inner journey work, is around like, “I don't want to do online dating, and that's full stop. Period. So I'm not going to do it, at least for this month. And I'm going to be willing to sit with and befriend the feelings that I'm having, that if I stop, I might miss my person.” 

That's huge fear, huge scarcity, fear. That's big Five of Pentacles stuff, that “if I don't do this thing, if I don't put myself out there, you know, I might miss someone.” Big Five of Pentacles contraction. Huge. 


But on the other side of that is a part of us that may wind up going back to online dating with a whole different energy. There's a part of us that might emerge that’s like, “Yeah, I'm really quite happier without that,” (Lindsay laughs) you know, that “it will find me. I won't be able, like, I'm not going to miss my person, and it's okay to take a break from these apps. And it's okay to take a break from this grind because I need a little space.” 

And that might be happening for us around our art, service, and our business. It might be happening to us around work, around our journey with parenthood, around all of it. It’s giving ourselves a little bit of a pause and a break to get our bearings again, and not pushing something that just isn't ready to go or that we need a break from. 

That is what is possible with Five of Pentacles reversed is that there starts to be a lift to that tightness and that fear, and we start realizing like, “Oh, okay, this is different. This is not as like, there is something here for me that I didn't even see before. And I didn't see it, partially because I had been so consumed with keeping things going the way I was doing it, that I never gave myself any time, any space to be able to open to anything different.” 

So I had an experience not that long ago, that I'm going to write about on another platform soon, where I had been intending to plant a particular kind of rosebush where we live and went to a nursery. And for some reason, just got a no on it. I was kind of bummed and was like, “I guess we're not meant to have roses,” or whatever. 

And then my daughter was moving around in our front, in the front part of our house where there's a lot of greenery and flowers and bushes that lead to kind of a more forested area between our property and the next people because we live more in a rural, sort of farm area outside of Portland, Oregon. And, oh, she started pointing to something and she noticed this teeny, tiny, really small, wild rose. And it turned out that we had this prolific, very small and unassuming, wild rosebush, kind of behind the row of bigger flowers and plants that had been planted by the person who owns our home that we rent from. 

And I remember thinking like, wow, if that is ever, if that's not a symbol, and a signal for what Five of Pentacles can be, I just don't even know what it is. Like, wanted a rosebush, didn't get a rosebush, had one here the whole time (Lindsay laughs), you know? And that's not always Five of Pentacles but when we're working with it inside of that capacity, because remember, the Fives are really flexible. 


It's the same thing with Five of Swords. If, again, we're feeling like Five of Swords can bring up that feeling like we fucked up. And sometimes in Five of Swords, we haven't fucked up, it just feels like we have. And other times we have fucked up, and like, there's amends to be made. And part of our work is to actually root down into the truth and sense into what that is. 

So there are times with Five of Pentacles, where there's nothing we can do. We're working through feelings around larger systemic issues and class issues and bullshit, as it pertains to opportunity, and that are incredibly painful and really shitty. And then there are other times where truly that feeling of like, “I have to hold on, I can't let go. What if I don't have what I need?” that we're actually very rich and very blessed, rich in opportunity, or in blessings in some way. Or that we actually have exactly what we need, it's just that we've been so kind of brutalized by fear or by trauma or by worry or by a particular situation, that we're still so in recovery from that, that we can't see that there's actually support here. So the Fives are tricky. It's really working through contraction to see what's on the other side. 

But the reversal of the Five of Pentacles is kind of like a whole month of finding that rosebush behind the bushes of flowers. It's kind of being like, “Oh! I actually think I have what I need here,” or, “This isn't what I wanted, and it's not what I thought. It's not what used to be here, but I actually am more supported, or even just as supported,” or maybe, “I'm not as supported, but for this season of my life, there might be some usefulness for me here.” 

It's not necessarily making lemons into lemonade, but it is the revealing of something that we might have felt like, “I don't have this, I can't get this, I don't know how to say no to this,” to kind of clarifying that belief. And it's showing up with Nine of Swords reversed, which again, has to do, very similarly, with the lifting and the clearing of old worst-case-scenario fears that we investigate and find that they're not necessarily true, you know. That we go through like, “Well, what is the worst-case-scenario that you're worried about? Ah, let's see, okay, let's ask somebody who knows better than us whether or not that's a reality,” (Lindsay laughs) you know, or whether or not that would be a reality. It sounds a little daunting to open ourselves to that, but it really can be life-changing when we let other people in to help us with that. 

So those are the two core Anchors we're going to be working with; hugely transformative energies, and both very, very strong kinfolk to the inner journey. There's really no way to come to the lift and the expansion that's possible with these two cards—like, these two cards reversed are an unlocking and a liberation from the challenge and the crunch of these two cards when right side up. So this is about actually, about an inner journey that helps to free us up from some story, some belief, some energy, or, you know, again, some belief or storyline that we've been holding that has really been locking us into something that isn't necessarily true. 


I just went through this—without going into detail—about something that I was like, this is a massive problem. I have to fix it. I was really comparing something that is now to something that was before, and I met with an amazing kind of processor about it. And in filling out the initial paperwork, like the intake forms for what we were going to be doing coaching work on, I found myself being like, “I don't know if this is actually that bad. It's just not what it was.” And the coach said the same thing. They were like, “I feel like, I'm glad you feel that way because that was also my impression. Like, what is enough for you? Like, when is something enough, and what would something else give you?” You know? And those are very powerful questions to be asked, and I've been sitting with them ever since, being like, “Well I do… It is okay. Like, I am okay, this is okay.” 

That's not always the truth of the case. This month, sometimes things aren't okay, right? This month is about sensing into areas where we may be believing something is one way. And through that inner journey, we realize, “Actually, this is really different than I thought,” you know? It could be the opposite. It could be, we could be feeling like this is so great, it's so supportive. And the more we sit with it, the more we're like, it's actually not that supportive (Lindsay laughs). I'm actually not getting my needs met all that much here. 

So realizing that can be painful and also necessary, and that is the gift and the unlocking that's possible with Nine of Swords reversed and Five of Pentacles reversed. It offers spaciousness where there's typically a lot of tightness. It offers clarity where there's typically a lot of crunch and contraction. So we can definitely look to that this month. 


What we're being invited to pay attention to inside of this work is King of Cups and King of Wands reversed. If we are belaboring under something being supportive, but it's really not—or needing something to change or needing something to happen, but really, we have everything we need right here, it's just not permanent. It's not a permanent solution to where it is that we're going. Because I mentioned it's kind of a weird bridge-like time where it's not super clear where we're going, it's just kind of we're walking, moving from one stage of being to the next. 

King of Cups has to do with the way that we give and offer up our energy. It's how we take care of ourselves as we are taken care of. It's like a big giving and receiving energy. And it has to do with filling up our own cup after a long period of giving a lot. So it's a rebalancing there. So paying really close attention to the way we give and receive will be very crucial. 

And then King of Wands reversed: where have we been unable or afraid or a little bit reticent to be us, to do our thing, to do what we want to do? If we've like—obviously, within accessible means—if we've been feeling like, “I can't do this, no one would want it,” that's a flag for King of Wands reversed. If we're like, “I really have a call to try this out, to do this experiment, to offer this thing. But I don't want to do it, I don't want to fail, I don't want anyone to have to be the way people want me to be or expect me to be,” that's a King of Wands reversed flag there. 

Basically, it’s saying like, “Hey, it takes a lot of energy to make yourself a square peg when you're really a round peg. So how can you let yourself be what you are, as you are, on your time?” Much easier said than done, but that is what we're being invited to pay attention to. Where have we become a little bit more of a square peg, when we really are more of a round one, or vice versa? 


The lesson of this month, what we're learning about, is Three of Pentacles reversed. So again, you know how—this is a horrible metaphor, it's clunky as hell. But when you have—it's not even clunky. It's just so simplistic. But when you have two magnets, and they're a little further apart than the other, and you're kind of trying to get them to come together, while keeping them as far apart as possible so that one magnet will kind of fly toward the other. That's a little bit like setting a bone back into place. That's a little bit of what's going on with this more internally-directed journey. 

There's been a lot of awareness and a lot of eye-opening insight that we've gotten from the last several years around like, “Wow, this is totally been burning me out. I don't want to do this anymore.” “Whoa, this was so unsustainable. I didn't know it,” or “Whoa, I really wanted this. And I realized this really isn't a goal that is like my truth,” you know, “I'd much rather pursue this.” I think a lot of us are in that place, realizing that what we've wanted is just evolving right along with us, due to both the enormous clarity of the external circumstances of the last few years, and also just of those circumstances; the exhaustion of them has just moved many of us in different directions. 

So Three of Pentacles has to do with doing the work that we're being asked to do right now and staying in our lane around it. It comes up a lot when we have a feeling, it can come up when we feel like we want to be doing something different. And it's basically Spirit’s way of being like, “You are exactly where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what you are meant to be doing today. So can you let…” 

Pentacles are all about the slow, honest build from total apprentice to really experienced, more master level. And so, the Three is kind of like paying our dues a little bit in some regard. And in other places, Three of Pentacles can have to do with trusting that you're growing and building exactly on the pace that you're meant to, and that when you look back, you'll see it might be a lot faster than you even thought. But that right now, this is what you're being called to do. 


So what we're learning about, and what kind of the lesson of this month is about, is kind of making peace with where we are versus where we'd like to be or thought we'd be (Lindsay laughs). So that's a very common feeling, like, “I thought I'd be further, I thought I'd be somewhere different,” “I thought I'd be here or there. I never imagined I'd be there,” or, “This is fine, and I wish that whatever.” 

So the reversal of Three of Pentacles has to do with us really feeling like, we really want to not be doing what we're doing. We kind of really want to be doing something different. The inner journey work and the lesson of this card, and the presence of this card inside of this particular prompt, is a reminder that things are changing, that we're not going to be doing what it is that we're doing for all that much longer. Things are changing, we're always changing; that where we are now and where we find ourselves in a Three of Pentacles-style energy, whether right side up or reversed, it's not permanent. It has to do with trusting that where we are now is where we are supposed to be. We're not necessarily supposed to be anywhere other than where we are at this moment in time. And that's okay, you know? 

So the lesson is to trust where we are, to really trust that, while it's not some big, likely grand, aligned thing—although for you, it might be—that where we are is, you know, not going to be with us forever. It's just not; that we are already changing, already evolving out of that, already moving into someplace super aligned, much more aligned. How can we honor and bow to the feelings that come up around that, right? How can we move through more of a deep journey? What is there something preventing us from moving closer to that end, right, that we actually have some power over and some capacity to change? 


How we're growing this month is Ten of Cups. Ten of Cups has to do with being deeply, deeply present with the joy and the beauty of what's here, not necessarily what we want to be or what we think we should be. Life is still going to be life, there's still going to be challenging moments, upsets, setbacks, disappointments—because that's life, and that's part of the inevitability of life. Ten of Cups calls us to be really present with the beauty and the joy in the midst of life being life. 

Like, catching some beautiful, dappled light, seeing a rainbow on a drive, giving our cat scritches, or, you know, petting our beloved dog, or feeling our child kind of breathing deeply as they nap on us, and as we may be trying to get some work done—all of that is Ten of Cups. This is, essentially, all that we're doing this month; is being called to come closer to the beauty of the present moment. That's how we're growing, and that's where we're going. 

Inside of this inner journeying, inside of our wants and our desires and the setbacks we might be experiencing; the disappointments, the pain, the wandering, the worry; any longing we may be feeling, and any deep discovery work we may be doing this month, realizing like, “Whoa, I really need to give my myself permission to take more time here or take a leap there.” Whatever it might be, realizing that things are actually way more supportive than I thought, totally unique and dependent on our particular situation, that inner journey work, how it's going to help us grow, is to trust in the medicine of timing a little bit more and to sense into what's beautiful right here. 


Last summer was really, really challenging for me, personally. And when I looked back on it, it was probably one of the more challenging times of my life. And I remember it, honestly, felt like every single thing in my life was completely falling apart (Lindsay laughs) and then, but there, my child was still glorious, and there were fresh peaches that brought joy. 

And it was a very powerful exercise in not letting myself spiral out into worry or despair, and to do whatever I could, within my power, to work through it, you know? I was being responsible and responsive to the reality of the challenge of our situation, and also, at the same time, being very available to the beauty and the delight of my child, and to the loveliness of fresh peaches, as well, without taking away from either. That was a very, it was a little bit like rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time. It was very strange, but really insightful. 

And that's a part of what we're kind of gaining a little bit more of here: like what are the joys, the beauty, what's working inside of this time of really big change and internal shifting? That is going to affect the external in ways that we're not quite aware of yet. So TL;DR—too late, really, too late for that. 

It's a deeply internal month. It's a month of a lot of internal journeys, reflections, the landscapes of the internal being kind of centered and focused on. And that deep work, leading us to understand certain things that we maybe didn't see, see things more clearly, that will lead to different outcomes or actions, doing necessary internal work, so that when things are finally at a point externally, where we're kind of ready to go with them, where it'll be more about, like catching the wind in our sails, we’ll actually be ready. We won't be belaboring under old false beliefs anymore. So really, really powerful and, as is, befitting with Chariot work and Cancer work, which is, you know, most of July, until we get into Leo season. 

But even with Leo, that Fixed Fire energy is also very powerful. There's a lot of internal, deep landscapes, a lot of layers, externally, that doesn't quite match the internal, and vice versa. So we're going to be feeling into all of that. But really, a soft unlocking and a liberation of something that has felt one way, that can then become something different, that is really the core essence of this month ahead. And, yeah, thank you so much for being with me on this ride. 


I'm going to answer this listener question, and then we're gonna say goodbye for now this person is from Anonymous, this question is from Anonymous, rather. And they say: 

Dear Lindsay, 

I recently discovered the pod, and I'm so appreciative and grateful for the work you do and your generosity and sharing your insights. 

Thank you, Anonymous, for seeing me. 

I'm a beginning Tarot reader…

Oh, love it. 

And have spent quite a bit of time with my deck during the pandemic—a side benefit to lockdown and the privilege of having more space for learning and reflection. 

Lately, I've had the sense that my deck is “winking” at me, nudging me to trust my inner knowing and the reading process, by presenting me with cards that are frequent repeaters, or that align, very obviously, with the focus of my attention, with seasonal, planetary, and collective events. I’m beginning to feel that my deck is tutoring me in how to work with the cards and enjoys a good joke.

So my question is, do the cards have a sense of humor, and is that a part of their teaching?

I love your awareness and your observance of this! I think, absolutely, especially depending on the deck. In my experience, decks and readers—it's just like interpersonal relationships, like sometimes we just don't gel with certain people. And other times, it's like, perfect, you know, and just so lovely. And I think that's true with decks, as well. So you clearly have a great deck on your hands, that you are personally very well-matched with, which we want, we so want. 

And I also think Guides can be very cheeky. And if you're working with your Guides through your deck, I do think that there is just almost a hilarious—as you're describing—sense of synchronicity that it's kind of like, “This is so obvious that it could like, clobber me over the head.” And like, it's so clear that there's, you know, almost nothing else to even say about it. Like, of course, right? 


So I think they do have a sense of humor. I do. And I think that that is a part of their teaching. Like, I can personally attest to pulling certain cards sometimes and like laughing, you know, like out loud, and just being like, “Oh my gosh,” this couldn't be more clear, couldn't be more kind of, yeah, like, cheeky. Like, “enjoying a good joke” is exactly how I would put it, as well. Winking at you, I think, is really beautiful. 

I also love—this is not everyone's experience, but it can be. It's all dependent, again, on the deck, how we're at, our Guides, like all kinds of different factors at play. But the fact that this is such a present experience for you, I don't have a very lengthy answer to your question, I just really wanted to validate you and name that, absolutely, decks and cards can work that way. It's one of the most lovely ways that our Guides and the cards can help us to lighten up a little bit about this very serious business of spiritual work that we all tend to do, and tend to get wrapped in. 

With a lot of us, learning the Tarot and interpreting the cards can just be a really big, we can take it very seriously, you know, for good reason. And so it can bring up a lot of feelings around like, “I have to make sure I'm doing this the right way.” you know. Especially, what a nice antidote for any of us who feel scared of these cards, like nervous or worried about these cards. It can just be so helpful when the messages come in a little lighter and a little bit more with like a twinkle, rather than doom and gloom, and super serious. So I think that you can look at it also as an antidote and kind of a beautiful balm for your learning process, for any part of you that was nervous about this process. 

So absolutely, Guides, the cards, your deck, can all be really, they can be light. It can be really light energy, kind of twinkly, kind of winking, definitely. And I love that you're having that experience with your deck. I just say, keep going, because clearly you're on to something great there. So thank you for asking me this. 


Thank you for being here with me, Wild Souls. Yeah, looking forward to traversing this season with you. And until we connect again, well, actually, I should say this: next week, we won't have an episode. So we will have an episode for the whole week of I think it would be the third. And then we'll be back the week after that with an episode. We might do every other week for July and August. I haven't totally decided. I usually go on total summer break for the podcast. I don't think I want to do that this year? But it might not be weekly. We'll see. Maybe we'll do a couple of re-releases of some old episodes on the weeks that I'm not here. 

So yeah, what I would invite you to do is to send me your Ask Lindsay questions. And also just as a small heads up: I'm creating a new thing for the listeners of this podcast. And it will be, what I would really welcome is where you kind of—in light of an “Ask Lindsay”—what is the coverage that you most like to see me talk about? Like certain cards, certain topics, would love to hear that, too, not necessarily for this podcast, maybe for this podcast, but for an offshoot of this podcast, which I'll share more about the coming week. 

So send me your Ask Lindsay questions and send me also kind of like—it can be within the Ask Lindsay question or it can be in an addendum to it, which the link to Ask Lindsay is in the show notes—tell me what you'd like to hear about, topics, cards that you that would be really helpful. We'd love to hear about that from you. Thank you so much, again, for being here Wild Souls, and until we connect again, please take care of yourselves 



This podcast was edited by Chase Voorhees, podcast art by Rachelle Sartini Gardener, and this episode was transcribed by one of our absolutely brilliant and beautiful transcriptionists, all of which you can learn more about or read about on our website tarotforthewildsoul.com.

If you wish to dive into more of my work, learn more about Soul Tarot, work with me in any kind of capacity—I'm always creating new things for us to do together. But you can find all about our self-led courses and classes and new offerings on tarotforthewildsoul.com. And if you want to be the first to know about any new offerings, any new projects that I'm doing, if you want to benefit from discounts and early birds, and all kinds of lovely newsletter-only offerings, you can sign up for the newsletter at the link in our show notes. 

And finally, if you have a question for me to answer at the podcast, or if you'd like to work with me live on the podcast, or if you'd like your question answered on the podcast, please click the link to Ask Lindsay and send me your Q’s. Thank you so much for being here.


234: Mailbag Mondays - Tarot and the Inner Critic


232: Coming to Clarity with Queen of Pentacles