Hello! I’m Lindsay. I’m a queer, non-binary intuitive Tarot teacher, writer, witch, mom, and founder of Tarot for the Wild Soul.

If you’ve been seeking a down to earth, heart-led, trauma informed, inclusive Tarot practice, rooted in common sense, compassion, and critical thinking, you have come to the right place.

If you’re interested in learning more or working with me, feel free to dive in at one of the links below!

New & Upcoming — September, October, and beyond

  • NEW QUIZ: Who has an intuitive message for you in the Tarot?

  • Intuition as a Spiral — my comprehensive, five week intuition course — is open for enrollment until September 27th! The course runs from September 30th — November 2nd. Join me for five beautiful weeks of deep intuitive communion, supportive live calls, wonderful pre-recorded lessons and workbooks! (Psst, if you’d like to get up to $100 off of the course enrollment, click here to join the Wild Soul Newsletter!)

  • Book a (discounted!) 60 minute Spiral Ahead Reading with me for 2025 and beyond!

  • New on No Bad Cards: Excavate and Illuminate — A Tarot Spread for Eclipse Season

  • New episode of TFTWS Podcast: A Tarot Reading for Eclipse Season

  • I was interviewed for the Pink Hearst Podcast, and it was one of my favorite conversations that I’ve ever done. Take a listen here!

  • Join me for three days in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains for my Soul-Led Tarot Retreat at Art of Living Center from June 6-8th, 2025! Learn more here.

Learn Soul Tarot + Work with Lindsay

  • Soul Tarot Courses — dive into one of our beautiful and immersive Soul Tarot courses, classes and workshops here

  • No Bad Cards — Join my Substack and receive intuitive monthly downloads for the month and astrological seasons ahead, unique Tarot lessons, Tarot spreads, and so much more.

  • Listen to the TFTWS Podcast — With over nine million downloads and counting, Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast is your number one resource for channeled guidance + unique lessons on the cards

  • Soul Tarot Readings with Lindsay — Looking to go deeper with Lindsay? Check out their 20 and 60 minute options for Soul Tarot Readings

  • Wild Soul Newsletter — Monthly missives, special lessons, and the only place to get deep discounts to all of Lindsay’s offerings (and first crack at Lindsay’s readings availability!)

Free (Soul Tarot) Goodies

  • The Ultimate Soul Tarot Card Guide — Looking for a way to deepen your practice and know the cards better, all through a Soul Tarot framework? Receive a rich resource to help you to cultivate fuller trust in your Tarot pulls (and your own wise knowing)

  • Free Soul Tarot Resources — Quizzes, lessons, interviews with Lindsay, and so much more

  • Read the Journal — Spreads, Tarot musings, and so much more


  • Ask Lindsay — Ask me your questions about the Tarot, intuition, witchcraft and more, and I may answer it on TFTWS podcast!

  • Have a technical or logistical question? Email us at info@tarotforthewildsoul.com and we will get back to you from Monday to Thursday, 9am-5pm PST