Is Heart of Service the
right course for you?

Who is this course for?
Those who are longing to reconnect, or nourish a deeper connection with their spiritual center and intuitive knowing.
Those who are desiring to shift to a soul centered rhythm of working and serving in the world.
Folx who know that they have gifts to share with the world, and want to gain helpful tools and skills to support themselves in bringing them forward.
Those seeking to understand and embody service beyond the traditional confines of hetero-patriarchal norms, capitalism, and supremacy.
Folx who have sturdy backbones, who are in a season of their lives to commit to this material, and show up to the work.
Folx who can hold themselves in times of discomfort and contraction (these course topics are powerful, and will absolutely stir things up), and feel centered in their personal responsibility, self tending, and ability to critically think.
Anyone who loves and appreciates an authentic, no-bullshit style of spiritual teaching.
Who is this course NOT for?
Folx looking for strategy on specific business steps, ie, website design, quarterly planning, how to gain followers, writing copy, etc. We will not go over anything like that.
Folx who need a lot of hand holding, either from me or from the support team. You will not get that in this course, and we expect all students to seek their own external support where needed or desired.
Those who are unwilling to get uncomfortable! This course is an initiation. Your ego and thinking mind are going to invite you into contraction around this material, and you are likely going to be uncomfortable — which is okay. If you’re not okay with that, however, this course is not for you.
Folx who are looking for the “secret” to a successful business/a get rich quick guide, or to glean ways that mine or anyone else’s business(es) became successful. I do go into a bit about how my commitment to Spirit guided service has guided the flow of my work in the world, but this course is not centered on my experience, nor is it in any way focused on getting rich, or even finances. It is focused on providing you with the tools, skills, and resources to honor and nurture your own path of Spirit led service.
Those who are seeking a “love and light,” no cursing, no rawness approach to the Tarot. If you are looking for that, I am not your teacher.
Those who are uncomfortable with self-paced learning, or do not learn well with virtual/video material.
Those who are uncomfortable with Tarot being blended with the issues that are facing our planet. Climate change will be acknowledged in this course. Racism, oppression, and inequity will be acknowledged in this course. If you are in denial around the existence of these things or do not acknowledge that they are of the highest importance, this course is not for you.
Anyone who is not ready to look at themselves deeply. I am a teacher who will ask you to go deep into your self-inquiry, and your soul work. It's not for the faint of heart. It requires a commitment to yourself and a sturdiness of spirit. If you sign up, prepare to go deep.