"I have never been closer to my guides and spirit helpers, had such a compassion for them or myself, and deep reverence for the spiralic process that intuition is."



"Lindsay, you and your team, your offerings, all of it, have held me during the most difficult time of my life…"

… and not only held in support, but actively held me up to see the endless opportunities around me, handing me a torch to empower me to look deeply within. Never controlling, never doing the work for me, never shaming. To feel so empowered and seen, to be excited to fiercely give myself permission to exist authentically... I don’t have the words to express the impact of this. From the very core of my being, thank you.

— Ash


"This course truly solidified the notion that I have gifts to share with the world, and I don’t have to burn out or sell out in order to share and be of service. Re-centering around the deeper calling, the joy, the “yes”, has allowed me to create the practice of my dreams.

Heart of Service is a course I will return to again and again. Lindsey’s teachings in this course brought up in me a deep devotion to myself and my work that is rooted in my humanity, not in clout, not in achievements, not in a dollar amount. This course truly solidified the notion that I have gifts to share with the world, and I don’t have to burn out or sell out in order to share and be of service. I come back to the teachings, and to the Tarot Anchors daily. This course invited me into a deeper trust in my own timing, my worth, and my abilities."

—Dakota, Tarot Practitioner & Artist, Stella Lune Tarot
