Intuition as a Spiral 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Enrollment & Scholarships

When will the course open for enrollment? Are there Scholarships?

Enrollment for Intuition as a Spiral will be open from September 16th-September 27th, and material goes live on September 30th, 2024.

And yes! There will be full and partial at-need scholarships available for Intuition as a Spiral! Applications for those will be open from September 16th — 20th. All applicants will be notified either way on September 23rd by 5pm PST.


What is the investment for the course?

The course is $400 for live and guided enrollment and $200 for self led enrollment. We will have a special discount for newsletter subscribers running through the duration of enrollment, from Sept 16th to September 27th! To sign up and take advantage of the discount, click here.

How does the payment plan work? 

You sign up for the payment plan when you sign up for the course. You will be charged the first payment when you sign up (payment one), and then your subsequent payments will be automatically debited every month on or around the date you signed up for the remainder of your payment plan. If you'd like to pay off the balance of your payment plan early, please reach out to our team at and we will help get you sorted.

Do you offer refunds? 

We are happy to offer a full refund within seven days of the first day of the course, which is September 30th. If you aren’t feeling the material, or if it’s not for you, you can give us a heads up by October 7th at 9pm PT, and we will be happy to refund you! After October 7th, however, there will be no refunds for any reason, and payment plans will not be able to be canceled once they have been initiated. 

I’m an alumni. Can I take the course again?

Yes! We will be offering an alumni discount during enrollment from September 16th-September 27th, 2024!

Are there discounts available?

Yes! We will have a special discount for newsletter subscribers running through the duration of enrollment, from Sept 16th to September 27th! To sign up and take advantage of the discount, click here.

If you’d like to apply for a need-based full scholarship to the course, you may do so from September 16th to the 20th, 2024. You can sign up for our newsletter to be reminded, or revisit the enrollment page for Intuition as a Spiral for a link to apply when the time comes!


Can I sponsor someone's tuition?

Absolutely! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity! If you're currently feeling blessed with financial abundance, please consider donating any amount to the Sponsorship fund by going here. Doing so allows you to sponsor someone to participate in the course who could not afford it without your contribution. Your contribution will help make courses accessible to more individuals from all circumstances and backgrounds.

Course Content

What’s the difference between this course and Rewilding our Intuition?

Rewilding our Intuition is a self-guided intuition and Tarot workshop that is totally foundational — in other words, just the basics. Intuition as a Spiral is a much more expansive course in terms of topics.

What’s the difference between this course and Inner Voice (a course I did in 2018/9)?

Inner Voice and Intuition as a Spiral have some connective tissue in terms of subject matter and Tarot cards covered, but ultimately Intuition as a Spiral is much more comprehensive, offers different and varying lessons, and has the addition of live calls, and a Q&A Database. Lastly, and I think importantly, Inner Voice was made over five years ago, when I was a very different person, and a very different intuitive. Intuition as a Spiral is a much more fleshed out creation, born of those five years of continued learning and experience.

I am totally brand new to Tarot and know absolutely nothing. Will this course be right for me? 

Yes, because it’s not really a Tarot course. Tarot is woven into the lessons as a helpful tool, but the focus of the course is on intuitive reclamation.

I am totally brand new to intuition and know absolutely nothing. Will this course be right for me? 

Yes, absolutely! This course will help you to sense into your own intuitive seasons and begin to be able to tap into your channel and receive the wisdom flowing through it.

I’ve been trying to tap into my intuition, trying to trust in Spirit and myself more fully, but it’s really, really hard for me. Will this course maybe help me with that?

You are who I made this course for! I believe that it will absolutely be helpful and supportive to you in your journey.

I already have a beautiful and sturdy connection with my intuition, but am looking for support around a specific area. Will this course help me with that?

You are also who I made this course for :) Intuitives who already have a robust and sturdy relationship with their intuition still deserve (and sometimes need) support for their continued path. This course will cover useful areas like what to do when we get stuck or don’t know what to do, how to work with a very noisy brain, what to do when we feel betrayed or abandoned by Spirit, and more.

Do you dive into the Clairs in this course, or offer people any resources on ways to enhance mediumship? If not, why not?

They are referenced in this course, but I don’t have big plans to feature or center them. I don’t teach folks mediumship at this time.

I’ve experienced a lot of trauma around religion and spirituality, and/or I have some trauma around intuition from experiences I’ve had as a child. Will this course be a safe container for that kind of experience?

First and foremost, I am so sorry you experienced that. While this course is absolutely not a therapeutic container, nor am I a therapist, I believe that, if you are truly drawn to it, it may help to establish a new foundation of support around your work with intuition and whatever Source might mean to you. Feel free to reach out to us at if you have some more complex or delicate questions around this, we would be honored to support you.

Can I expect anything from the syllabus to potentially shift or change?

Due to the channeled nature of this work and of my creative process, all syllabus items are subject to change without notice, even while a course is running. When Spirit tells me to shift something or add something, I always heed that. We do invite students who wish to enroll in one of my courses to be available to the flexible nature of the content. If you don’t feel available to be flexible to the material potentially changing, that’s absolutely okay — we just might not be the right fit.


Ready to dive in?

Click here.

Course Format & Time Investment

How many hours should I budget for the course per module?

Around 2.5-3 hours per week.

I can't make it to all of the live calls? Will they be recorded? 

Absolutely! We will record the calls and they will be available in the course platform shortly after the call, so you will be able to take part in them, and you are always welcome to send in a question before we do the call!

How can I connect with other students in the course?

There is no sanctioned community space for this course. If you wish to connect with other students in the course, you are empowered to start an unofficial Slack channel or other platform for it, and if you let us know about it, we will happily share it with interested students.

After the Course

Will we have access to the class materials after the course? 

Yes! All class materials are yours to keep forever. 

Will I receive a certificate, or be a certified reader, after this course?

Yes, we are happy to provide a certificate of completion once you have completed all of the course lessons!

After I take your class, can I begin to offer the material you teach in readings and classes? 

No. The point of this course is to empower you to create and live from your own channel, not mine. You have so much medicine to share that is all your own, that no one else can replicate. Why repackage mine when you could offer yours?

Gifting & Sharing the Course

Can I share your course material with a friend? 

No, you may not share any materials provided to you in this course (other than your answers to the questions on your worksheet) with any person who has not paid for it. Out of respect for me, my work, my time, and any person creating something from their heart and soul, please do not share this with anyone who has not paid for it.

Can I gift the course to someone I love?

How thoughtful and generous you are! The easiest way to gift Intuition as a Spiral to your friend/family member/lover/partner is to sign up with their name, their email, and your own payment information. If you'd like to surprise them on a certain day (within the enrollment window), simply wait to sign up on that day! Email if you have questions about this process.