220. Leaving the Chrysalis with Death


Happy Aries season, loves! Pluto enters Aquarius today, and our Anchor Card for the week ahead is Death.


Air date:
March 23, 2023

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About the Episode

Happy Aries season, loves! Pluto enters Aquarius today, and our Anchor Card for the week ahead is Death. A perfect compliment and continuation of our card last week (Eight of Cups), Death is deepening and strengthening the call for us to transform our lives and ourselves in some necessary way. 

Plus, we answer a listener's question about what to do when we pull a Tarot card, but aren't able to actually integrate the invitation of the card into our lives. 

Lindsay’s Links:

Seeking a channeled download on the season ahead? Check out our Spring edition of Spiralic Tarot, only open for enrollment for one more week!

Learn more about Lindsay and dive into all of their courses, journal posts, and free resources by going here!

Download your Ultimate Soul Tarot Card Guide here!

Got Q's? Ask Lindsay

Help Turkey and Syria: 



Defend the Atlanta Forest and Stop Cop City!



Thank you to Ariana (@azadi.times.three) for sharing these with us!

1. Center for Human Rights in Iran (based in NY, provides news and in-depth reports on human rights abuses in Iran)

2. How to Talk About Iran (a living document from the Iranian Diaspora Collective on Instagram)

3. Persians With Purpose (Educational content, news translated to English, and other Iran resources on Instagram)

Land Acknowledgement

  • Honoring and acknowledging that this podcast episode was recorded on the unceded land of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, currently called Portland, OR, with the deepest respect to the Kalapuya Tribe, Cowlitz Tribe, and Atfalati Tribe.

Please Note

CW Tags: birth, death, capitalistic systems, systemic inequities & oppression, racism, white privilege, climate crisis, loss, and challenges of parenthood

The content in this episode contains references to mentions of birth, death, capitalistic systems, systemic inequities & oppression, racism, white privilege, climate crisis, loss, and challenges of parenthood. We have done our best to identify difficult subject matter, but the labels may not be comprehensive for your personal needs. Please honor your knowing and proceed with necessary self-awareness and care.




(Instrumental intro music)


Welcome to Tarot for the Wild Soul, a podcast that explores the Tarot through an inclusive, soul-centered, trauma-informed perspective for growth, healing, and evolution. I'm your host, Lindsay Mack. 

Hello Loves and welcome back to the pod. So good to be gathered here with all of you. Thank you so much for being here. We have a lot to get to today. We have Aries season. It has begun. I hope everyone's transition into Aries season has been beautiful so far. We are just now letting go of the last threads of the New Moon in Aries, which happened right after the first day of Aries season, the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, in the Southern Hemisphere, of course, that's y’all’s Fall Equinox. And then, as of today, Pluto is entering Aquarius. So there's a lot going on (Lindsay laughs). So we have already talked about that. We're going to talk about our cards for the week ahead and answer a listener question. It's gonna be nice. So snuggle on in with something nice to drink, a little tea, and we'll chat about it all. 

Okay, so because we're in Aries season, a new cycle has officially begun. We move into the calendar year, you know, 2023 is a Chariot year, and for those of you who've sort of heard people talk about that, or you haven't, we get that because 2+2+3=7. And The Chariot corresponds to the number seven in the Major Arcana. And if you want to know more about that, you can check out my offering The Threshold, which is a full-hearted reading, a channeled spread of the entire year ahead, which, so far, has been very accurate (Lindsay laughs). And I actually just touched back into to be like, “Oh, okay, this is helpful, too. This is helpful to remember and to think about.” So if you're interested, you can definitely check that out on the link in the show notes. 

But we come, of course, on January 1, 2023, into that Chariot year. But in my personal opinion, we don't fully, fully set our roots down, plant our feet in it until Aries season, because Aries season is the beginning of a new Zodiac spiral. This is really where the year begins, this is really where we get a full-hearted sense of like, what's going on. Like, what are we doing? Where are we at? We’re fully able to map ourselves inside of that. And we might not have all the answers. This is when it fully starts to unfold, I believe, is Aries season. 


And the fact that we moved on, like we moved through the equinox, which is an absolutely powerful, potent portal where we're really called to sense into our balance, our equilibrium, or alignment. Like, if there's anything that's not fully making sense, if there's anything that's asking for too much of us, something's out of balance, like, we're gonna know about it, especially around an equinox. 

Right after that, we had a new moon in Aries, basically saying, we have the opportunity to plant seeds on seeds right now. Aries season is the ultimate seed-planting time, energetically, of course. Even if you're in the Southern Hemisphere, this idea is the same: Fall is a profound rebirth in the same breath, and in the same way, that Spring is a rebirth. We're just experiencing the inverse of it. Death cannot be separate from birth, and birth cannot be separate from death. 

And in Aries season, whether experienced in the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere, we are really clearing off a big mantle. Whether we're reaching up as little seedlings toward the sun or cooling down and slowing down, there's a lot of energy, and there's still a lot of planting of intention that goes into something like that. 

So I share that just to say like, even with the moon, we had an opportunity to truly set a new intention for ourselves around like, we don't even need to know what we want. We can just have a sense of how we'd like to feel, what we'd like less of, what we'd like more of, what we'd like more spaciousness to do, you know. It's a beautiful time to still be working with the spirit of that. 

And then today, Pluto enters Aquarius. So Pluto's only going to be in Aquarius for a couple of months. Basically, the whole kind of spring season of the year, here in the Northern Hemisphere. It moves back into Capricorn for a little bit in early summer, and then after a couple of months, goes fully into Aquarius. So we're getting really nice kind of preview (Lindsay laughs) of like what this will be. 


Pluto is about excavation and transformation, and it's a generational planet because it stays in a sign for nearly 30 years. So with Pluto entering Aquarius, there's so much going on with that, and we will have yet to sort of see. What we do know is that, historically, Pluto and Aquarius transits have been about revolution. It's been about moving away from the top-down hierarchy, power structures that have developed that are so completely toxic and harmful, and are moving into way more of a spiral sense of community care and way more humanitarian efforts, way more about people rather than profits, right, on a whole. But Pluto excavates stuff within that space, right?  

So in Pluto in Capricorn, there's been a tremendous amount of corporate greed and systems of oppression, but those have always been there. What Pluto in Capricorn really did is it woke up so many people to it. We know these things at the end of Pluto and Capricorn are completely choking everyone, and we can't live this way. We know all of it's broken. And we might not see the vision—some might. But we might not see the vision of how to go about changing them. 

Pluto in Aquarius is about changing that, and there's a lot more to it there. There are definitely, like, underworld sides of this energy, right? We want to be really careful not to be too kind of
“in the weeds” of what other people are doing. We want to have our eyes on our own paper. We want to really take and make sure to ground and to train our eyes on something. There's a lot of changeability with Aquarius, and a lot of—obviously, it's a Fixed Air energy. 

But this time is about revolution. It is. It's about complete overhaul to these systems and about changes from like top-down to side-to-side, way more beneficial, way, way more of a mutual aid, bring-everyone-with-us, lift-all-folks energy, which is beautiful. And we're really going to see and get a taste for what this feels like the next three months to kind of sense into and prepare. We've had a little taste of it before. This will hopefully bring about, again, some nice clarity, too,  allow us to get a sense of like what this feels like and how to personally work with it. 


I pulled a card for all of us around an Anchor that can help us to really lean into as a collective and work with Pluto in Aquarius. And I got Four of Wands, which is amazing because Four of Wands is in the, it's one of the big cards in Spiralic Tarot, the Spring edition of that, and I could not believe that. And I assure you, like, I'm shuffling my deck really well (Lindsay laughs). So like, I promise you, like it's not an accident. I loved that it came up here. 

So what that basically means is that inside of all this heavy, heavy-duty stuff that we're all grappling with, we're all facing, we're all working through, there has to be a willingness to play, there has to be. There has to be some way to put down our pen, put down our computers, put down the thing, and go have fun, just some good, old-fashioned fun, not as a means of escape. And although, I mean, there's something to be said for that, honestly, in a healthy way, but not to kind of be avoidant, but to come closer to who we are. 

We are revitalized by laughter. We are revitalized by, like, a stolen day. We are revitalized by that. We can't have just all grind, right? And I know and respect that there are some people who are working their asses off, trying to make sense of things, make ends meet out there. I completely understand that. And even inside of that, I encourage you, like Four of Wands basically says that we can't be in the Emperor. 

This card is also connected to Emperor because it's a Four. And Emperor is corresponded to the number four in the Tarot Major Arcana, based on the Golden Dawn ordering of the cards. So when we look at that, we think to ourselves: like how can we see The Emperor as an expression of where we're being invited to go this Aries season? And what can Four of Wands do to support us in that? 

Now when we map it to Pluto in Aquarius, when we map it to this idea of like, Judgement and The Star are coming up and forward together—as Judgement corresponds to Pluto, The Star corresponds to Aquarius—what we have with that is an awareness and an awakening around the way we heal, around all manner of things related to our healing as a collective. 

The idea that we are rugged individuals that are not a part of this ecosystem together has been one of the most detrimental misbeliefs that, I think, has driven so much sense of separation and remembering like it is impossible without—of course, I'm acknowledging differences of class and of privilege and of skin color, absolutely, in terms of systemic oppression and various aspects related to that. But the fact that we don't think like, “Oh, this thing happening over here doesn't affect me because I'm over here,” it does. It does. It's impossible for us to not, like remembering—it's impossible not to be feeling what's happening to our planet. 

Like we are in the midst of a climate crisis. The climate will not be the same, in 50 years or less, than it is now, than it was. And we all know that. We're all grappling with that. Like it's unimaginable, right? Even if we have the facts and understanding, it's unimaginable what that feels like. And so, all of that, I believe, is Pluto in Aquarius. 

And with Aquarius energy, it's going to be really important with all of that Air, like with all of that, with all the communication, with all of the expression that comes with Aquarius that’s so beautiful, it's going to be important to just fuckin’ put our devices down and like, go be, like outside. And not to call me, like I can be sounding like old-fashioned or whatever, but I don't know. I feel like (Lindsay laughs), you know it's worth it sometimes to be old-fashioned and to just take a pause and come back to self. So I hope that's valuable. 

I mean, I am so curious about this transit. Obviously, we've dipped into this transit a bit. We dipped into it last year, and I'm curious, you know, I'll look forward to “question mark” (Lindsay laughs), how it'll be and how it'll feel. 


Incredibly, our Anchor Card for the week is Death. Again, that was randomly pulled. So it's not like I planned that or set about deciding it. It came forward. For obvious reasons, this pull is profoundly prescient, it's very of the moment, very of the time. It also is connected to our card that we pulled for last year—for last week, rather—which was Eight of Cups. And we talked last week about how Eight of Cups is really understanding what we've been doing isn't serving, and we have to try something different. And whether that means pulling everything down, or pulling a piece of it down, it usually means that we're in a period and a process of transformation; moving from one state of being to the next. 

With Death, this is a different energy. So it marries to the same themes, but the way that we feel it is different. And this is a beautiful time to talk about, like, what's the difference between The Majors and The Minors, right? I talked about this in Soul Tarot 101. With The Majors, the energies are so big, that they're, for lack of a better phrase—and I'm sure there is a better phrase—they’re like act-of-God energies. If we think about a hurricane, if we think about an ocean wave, if we think about the wind, we're not making that happen, we are responding to it. And responding might be a more helpful way of looking at it (Lindsay laughs) rather than surrendering. But I do think surrender is important, because there are some of these cards in The Majors, whether they're like “cute” cards, and y'all know I don't subscribe to any card being good, bad, or otherwise. 

But there is like an overcultural narrative about these cards that I think we have to keep in mind, even if I am committed to dismantling that personally. That, in other words, some of us may love The Devil, some of us may really have a tough time in The Devil; some of us might love The Moon, some of us may struggle deeply in The Moon. It's to say that those overcultural narratives, while they loom large, should not deter us from paying attention to, sort of, where we or where our experiences live. 

So when I speak about The Majors, what I'm saying is that sometimes it does feel like surrender because we don't want to do it. We don’t wanna go through those energies. The ego, the mind, fights it, tooth and nail, for any number of really valid reasons, to be honest with you. And sometimes it is more of a response because maybe the breeze is blowing really sweetly, and maybe the wave feels perfect. And we ride it right into shore, and it's all clicking along. And then other times, it's like hell, you know? 

So we surrender to The Majors because we can't make them happen. They come for us. And we respond to that through an act of saying, “Okay, move me. Okay, I'll go where you want me to go, I'll try my best, you know, to do this without resistance. I'll consider the fact that you're here for me. And not to me,” even though sometimes it's really, really hard. 


With The Minors we are, as I teach, collaborating with them. So when we pulled Eight of Cups last week, we're being invited to collaborate with that. Most likely there was something last week that showed up for you as an invitation to be like, “Okay, this is not working. It might be really big and really intense to grapple with, but it's not. And I'm being invited to, sort of, say goodbye to these cups as I've known them because really, they're not what I actually want.” So like, what does that look like? 

Death, when it shows up, is a clearing and completion that we are invited to surrender to, and show us what it wants us to clear, right? So, in many ways, collectively, we are feeling this because Aries is massive birth energy. We can not birth without death. When we birth, as people, the former self that we've left behind that had to die in order for that rebirth to happen, we grieve that, whether we're aware of it or not. Even if we're like “see ya” (Lindsay laughs), like, there's still a letting go process. That's huge, right?

Birth takes work. Birth is work, birth is challenging. It is hard to crack open from that seed and reach through that soil. And it's treacherous. It's a journey completely in the unknown, right, to reach, reach, reach for the sun like that. If we're in the Fall when you’re experiencing Aries season, like, if you're in an autumnal climate, to move from warm to cool, to let all of that move out of the leaves, to slowly let the leaves fall, it’s tremendous. It takes a lot of work, right? And whether we're in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere, there is death with birth energy, it doesn't matter where we are. So there is no better time to understand or to work with the Death card than this moment. Because while Death is ruled by Scorpio, Death has tremendous root systems in the energy of Aries. Tremendous. So, with all of that being said, we're already feeling this card. It's already here. 

For us this week, in terms of, like, building on this, and when working with this, I'll provide my teaching for Death, even though y'all have probably heard it 8,000 times. But for those of you who haven't, even if you have, I hope it, you know, bears out to be useful. 


So, with Death, how I've always taught this card is that each of us has a garden, right, that we're called to—the garden of the heart, the garden of belonging, the garden of desire—like it's a special place that’s ours, you know? And there are times when all of our focus is on our peach trees, tending to those. It's all about the peaches for one reason or another. But what we kind of really want is to be working with our foxgloves, working with our flowers, working with our cut flowers, or it might be that we really want to work in our vegetable patch. And it might be because we are so busy working with our peach trees, that there's been kind of an overrun of weeds that, while weeds are absolutely beautiful medicine, just might not be welcome, right? 

So while I do not, in any way, advocate—unless you really have a reason to—if we’re like uprooting a peach tree or uprooting, you know, or completely changing, like, if you've only done cut flowers in your garden, and now you really want to completely renovate that, and rewild the garden, and have it be only wildflowers and like a vegetable patch, we're not saying that the cut flowers or the peach trees or the weeds are bad. We're not saying that they're wrong. We're not saying that they didn't serve a phenomenally important purpose. 

This week is an invitation back into the garden to look and pay attention, to follow Death into the garden, and to observe what it's trying to invite us to pay attention to, what it is pointing us toward, what we need to be with, what we need to face, what we need to understand. Even if we're not totally ready to, metaphorically or symbolically, uproot whatever that thing is, we are still being invited to face that something has served its purpose.

And right now, what really wants to happen is that whatever this metaphorical thing is in our garden, that is just not feeding us anymore, like, we are longing for something different to—in whatever way feels most responsible to you, whatever way feels most aligned, whatever is appropriate—to gently, and with great care and respect and gratitude, uproot that, clear the soil, and place what you've uprooted on the compost pile. Again, this is all symbolic, you know, of course. 


This is very important work because it helps to reframe what we might have been told about the Death card, which is that it's a harbinger of death and misfortune and of loss, and it's so terrible. Is the Death card sometimes challenging? Sure, totally. You know, it's an ego death, it's a loss, you know, it's a transformation. And whenever we have that, the ego, the brain kicks up and is like, “Hell no,” it's like, “I want to protect you. I don't want change to be happening here. Not at all.” So we can hold that truth of the fact that it's hard, while still understanding that nothing, nothing is lost with this card. There is no losing with this card. 

When we look out our window, are we going to see a different garden? Will that bring up a lot of shit? Probably. Might it bring up regret? Might it bring up feelings of “I shouldn't have done that,” might bring up things like “Why the fuck did I uproot that thing? It was kind of working, even though I did hate it. Who even knows if this next thing I'm planting will be any good. Like, why? Why did I leave that relationship? Why did I uproot that thing?” All of that is a part of the initiatory process of Death: the regret, the worry, the fear, the anger, literally, the stages of grief, denial, and everything that comes along with it. 

It is a transformative process. For one reason or another, whether we're aware of it or not, we are complete with something, and it is ready. It is ready to move on and to take a new shape. Nothing dies in this card; it becomes sacred fertilizer that allows the new things to grow. That doesn't mean that regret doesn't happen. It doesn't mean doubt doesn't occur. It's letting us know that the thing itself is ready, that it is ready. Which means that, in one way or another, we are, too. 

So however this lands with you, whatever is coming up around your Death card experience, I encourage you—if this tracks and aligns with you—to treat it as a kind of a journey and process; to almost follow Death, to let it show you don't have to be afraid. That doesn't mean that anyone that you love, you're going to lose—and God forbid should that happen. It's not because Death showed up in the reading, I promise you that isn't. 

This is a symbolic death. This is a different kind of a process. I absolutely respect readers and folks who are like, Death is also about human death. I just don't personally experience it that way. But if that is a part of your medicine, of course, I respect that. It doesn't mean I think you're wrong, or that anyone else is wrong. It’s just not my experience. But we're allowed to have two different experiences. That's part of the deal. So I encourage you to follow it, to walk with it, to travel with it, to listen to it, to really let it show you, to really let it show you. 


The fact that Death energy is coming in Aries season, while completely oppositional, perhaps, makes all the sense in the world to me. We cannot birth without death. We cannot plant new seeds, which is what this time is so completely about, without being really aware, really aware of what's got to go to make room. 

So this week is a time of space making, of road opening, of clearing, of literally brushing away what does not serve, of completely clearing and tilling and turning over that rich soil of the garden of our heart. That is what we want to keep in the heart-mind this entire week, as we pay attention to the invitations that come through, and sort of sit in the cauldron of Aries season and Pluto in Aquarius, and like what does this feel like? Does this bring more clarity? Less? You know, where are we here? 

Honestly, now that we're out of the last degrees of Pluto, it's kind of great and welcome—even though Pluto in Aquarius moving into different stage brings up its own stuff. But yeah, that is, in a nutshell, what we're being invited to pay closest attention to this week when we're working with Death. 


Last thing that I want to say about all of this is that I pulled an Anchor Card for us around like, how can we really work with Death? Like, is there an Anchor inside of this that can really help us? And I pulled Three of Swords. So again, not a card to have any kind of, like, back up against. Three of Swords is an invitation and an, honestly, like, heart-opening balm that's available to us in any moment. We don't need to pull it to be working with it. Like it's always present. 

If you've experienced being triggered, activated by something, even very light or the memory of something, and you try to sort of blame or self-blame and spin your way out of it, and you just need to feel the feelings, that actually can help to inform you of your next action. That's what Three of Swords is here to do: it's here to move us from the head into the heart, so that we can feel the feelings of like, “This just hurts. It's just hard. It's like, you know, I don't know what to do right now. It just sucks, and I need to feel the suckiness,” you know? 

That doesn't mean that this week is going to be sucky. It means that inside of all of the stuff that Death brings up—and oh my god, does it bring up all the things—that the best way we can work with it, is by continuing to come home to the heart; talking to our inner kid, talking to ourselves with as much compassion as we can muster, taking care, taking care, taking exquisite care. 

When big feelings come up, when worries and fears come up, can you be with them? Noticing the clouds pass by, rather than identify, right? Rather than immediately rushing to take action, can we pause, let the feelings pass, let them bubble up, and then make our way with them, right? That's what this whole time is about. And that's what I think Three of Swords can help us to do because it's very easy to get into our head with an energy like Death. So I hope that this serves, and now we're gonna move on to our listener Question of the week. 


So our listener question this week is from Beth and Beth asks: 

I am in a particularly busy season of life, and I know that the pace I'm currently moving in is unsustainable. 

I keep drawing Ten of Wands for daily pulls, as part of larger spreads, and every time I do, it's difficult to know how to take it, or what actions to take in response. Yes, I know I'm doing too much. But I've tried paring down in the places I could see to do so. In other places, I'm carrying a lot, but also feel like I'm building toward a better future for myself, and this season is necessary to lay the groundwork for expansion in other ways. 

So my question is, what do we do when we really don't see a way to reasonably accept the invitation we're being offered, when we've taken on too much, but I also feel like it's toward a larger end, and for a limited amount of time, and we have a lot of competing responsibilities? I'm a mother to a young child that we can't outsource. How do we find a way to lay a Wand down? I almost always pull this card in conjunction to Awakening or Judgement. And wondering if you might have some insight about that, as well. 

Oh, what a brilliant question. I'm honored to try to think through this with you. Okay, so I want to just say, first of all, that Ten of Wands doesn't always mean—at least not in my experience—doesn't always mean “put a wand down”. What I think it does indicate is that we might be at a point or at a place where it will be very important to lay all ten wands down, and just make sure that A) all of them are still necessary and important to be holding in this season of our lives. But I think the most important thing is if we must carry all ten, are we carrying them in the most useful way we can? 

So, for example, with your young kiddo: like, are there aspects of care for yourself that can be built in right now? And if not, I get it (Lindsay laughs), like all too well. But like, you know, do certain things make sense after they go to sleep? Do certain things make sense during nap times? You know, can one thing be moved in place of like another thing? Being, like, is there any way—and maybe the answer's no—is there any way to make it even slightly 10%, 5% more easeful? Like, is there anything inside of that, that could be woven in, you know, as a response to that? 


Because I don't think Ten of Wands, like, first of all, I just really want to bow to and honor what you're saying. Because I think that kind of thing is not… I think that there absolutely are times and seasons in all of our lives, where they're just more full. We're like balancing school and motherhood or parenthood and a full-time job, or we're, like, we're striking while the iron is hot, we know we're in a very important time of like, building, you know, and we really don't have the time to do it all. But there are times in life when seasons converge, and, just as you're saying, you're building on something that will hopefully benefit y'all. And I want to just—not just normalize that, but actually congratulate you. Because I think that there's a difference between that and us burning ourselves ragged when we know like, there's just not as much yield, you know? 

My partner, Chase, and I always talk about how—and again, we're speaking from our experience. We're not attempting to, like, I would never speak on behalf of another parent's experience. But when things feel really hard and difficult to manage with being two work-from-home parents, with a kiddo, and no childcare at this moment, there are times where one of us will say like, “This is so hard,” and usually, actually very lovely (Lindsay laughs)—but there are moments when it's really tough to navigate and juggle. And the two of us will say like, it's very temporary because before we know it, she'll be in school. Before we know it, she'll have her own thing going on. Like, before we know it. Like, there's a lot more years still, that we're aware, you know, top of mind. So it goes by really quickly and these seasons are… yeah. 

So I just want to say like, I don't think Ten of Wands is necessarily telling you to drop a wand. What it might be doing is inviting you to consider if it might be helpful if you have some of those wands, like, in a special backpack, and maybe a couple slung over your shoulder, rather than trying to all carry them like in your arms. Like is there a different way to navigate what you're trying to do? 

I am always asking myself that question down to like, “Okay, this kind of work works best here. And that kind of work works best here.” And honestly, it's sometimes very ungraceful. But I pull Ten of Wands for myself a lot, and there's literally just like nothing I can do about it. Like, I just have a lot of things on my plate right now, and I also know it won’t always be like that. 

So when that card comes up, I try to look at it as like, okay, like, maybe I could like, move one wand to the back for a second, or maybe there is a way for me to get a little support with this wand. Let me like, let me ask, you know? And I hear you: like, if you can't, then you can't. But it might just be an invitation to reconfigure the wands. 


Okay, Awakening/Judgement. We're just talking about that with Pluto. It's so funny, I pick these, and they're just so right for the moment that I'm reading them in these questions. So, again, thank you. So, I think that Judgement could be coming up for you in a lot of different ways. Like, one way that we could look at it is definitely your treatment of it, which is true in many ways. Like you know, you're taking on too much, you're getting messages that this is too much, and Judgement pops up to tell you. You're being invited to really see this here, right? 

What I feel like it could also be is, again, okay, this is a lot, this is a very busy season, and you are taking care, in the best way you can, of all the things that you love. And what might be coming up for you related to Judgement around you seeing—I'm not reading on you, I don't know—but maybe it's a question of like: there are certain things that you can outsource right now, there are certain things that you could ask for more help on. Maybe it's a question of giving yourself a break, or like, who knows? But I do think that it is possible that these two cards are coming up in conjunction with each other to be like, “This just really is some—like, something has to give here.” 

But because of what you're saying, and because I understand your situation, very acutely, I know that most likely, it's an invitation to rethink the way you're holding the Wands and see what comes up for you around that. And it might be possible that you're hearing me say this and be like, “The fuck? Like, it's not very helpful at all. Like, rethink the way I'm holding the Wands? Like, whatever.” But really, it could just be that it's a matter of, like, shifting the schedule, or whatever it is. 

Sometimes—and I'm gonna take it completely out of the realm that I've been sort of talking about—sometimes it is a matter of just placing our hand on our hearts and saying, “This is a lot, it's too much. And this is what's here right now, and it won't always be like this. And I know you're exhausted. And I know that you're burned out”—or not burned out if you're not burned out—”But like, I see you. And I honestly don't really have the time (Lindsay laughs) to like, be here for all of the things, but I want to let you know that I will at some point, and then I'm still here. I'm still here, right?” 

So those moments of maybe just even acknowledging what's present, could be a way to sort of unlock these two. I'd love to hear more about this for you. I'd love to hear how this lands. I'd love to, with your permission, like, pull a qualifier. I'll wait till I get your permission to do that, but you let me know, because I'd love to pull a clarifier for these things, and just sort of see: is there anything else we can glean from this? 

Yeah, you're doing great. Not that you need me to say it to you, but I'm gonna say it anyway (Lindsay laughs), and solidarity on the juggling-too-many things club. So, yeah, thank you so much again, Beth, for trusting me with this question. 



And thank you everyone for listening. I am so excited to dive into our April Monthly Medicine next week. Holy shit. Like how? How? It’s the fastest year of my life. I don't even know how this is happening. We'll dive in. It's my birthday month. It's going to be great. And until we meet again, until we connect again, please take exquisite, gentle, loving care of yourselves.


221. MONTHLY MEDICINE: April is Wisdom


219. Bowing to Change with Eight of Cups