Shifting Course Platforms
Frequently Asked Questions

Hello Wild Souls!
If you are reading this, you are most likely wanting to find out more about our big migration from Teachable to Kajabi!
Team Wild Soul and I just want to thank you all so much for your patience and understanding as we are hard at work trying to make this shift to our new course platform home as seamless as possible!
Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions, as well as information that may be helpful in our process of shifting from Teachable to Kajabi.
We know that this is a big change and a lot of information and we are so grateful for your patience with us as we navigate it.
With utmost care and gratitude,
Lindsay and Team Wild Soul
Questions about our shift to Kajabi
Why did you chose to move to Kajabi and why right now?
Our decision to move to Kajabi was taken after years of careful consideration by myself and Team Wild Soul. Ultimately, we made the leap because Kajabi offers a more easeful and straightforward experience for our students as well as our administrative team. We hope that you’ll enjoy finding that Kajabi is intuitive to navigate and it also has an app for both iOS and Android users.
Will I lose access to my course materials?
No, you will not be losing access to your course materials. All of the offerings you are enrolled in on Teachable will remain available to you. Any new offerings that you purchase, will be available on Kajabi.
Why are certain offerings only on Teachable and some will be available on Kajabi and Teachable?
Offerings that are archived/retired will remain only on Teachable. We do not currently have a plan to move retired courses or workshops over to Kajabi if they are no longer available to be purchased. We plan to revisit this over this upcoming year to ensure that this is easeful for our students and the Wild Soul Team.
Any offerings that are both on Teachable and are currently still open for enrollment will remain on Teachable as well as becoming available on Kajabi. Our team is working on granting current students access to those courses through Kajabi, but as this is a manual process, it will take some time.
I am enrolled in a course in Teachable that is currently open for enrollment. Can I have access to that course on Kajabi as well?
Soul Tarot for Self Tending, Reversals, The Court Cards, and Rewilding our Intuition are the four offerings that are currently open for enrollment. If students purchased any of these offerings through Teachable, their course materials will remain on Teachable and will become available to them on Kajabi in the near future.
Our team is working on granting students access to those courses through Kajabi, but as this is a manual process, it will take some time. We ask for your patience to allow our team the time they require to assist students to access these course materials in both Teachable and Kajabi.
I’ve bought courses on your new course platform, but most of my courses are still on Teachable. Will all of my courses eventually show up in Kajabi?
For the time being, we are still sitting with this question. Our team is determining if it is possible to move every single one of Lindsay’s retired offerings over from Teachable to Kajabi (which is a lot!) but right now, we are working on giving students access to offerings that are currently open for enrollment on Kajabi.
Accessing Materials on Kajabi
What is the login link for Kajabi?
The link to log into your account on Kajabi is: https://www.tarotforthewildsoulcourses.com/login You can also find both the login links on this page/the TFTWS website as “Kajabi Login” in the menu as well as in the footer.
I signed up for a new offering and tried to log in but my log in from Teachable isn’t working.
We are sorry that you’re having trouble! Your login for Kajabi is not the same as your login for Teachable. We could not port over individual logins between course platforms. You are welcome to set up the same login information between both platforms, but it is not recommended for security reasons. If you don’t already have a Kajabi account, you’ll need to sign up for one when you purchase/enroll in an offering.
Why isn’t my new course showing up in my dashboard in Teachable?
Any new purchases can be found in Kajabi (log into your account here), as we will no longer be adding new courses to Teachable or updating courses.
I made a purchase and didn’t get a confirmation in my email and I don’t know how to set up my Kajabi account. What do I do?
Depending on your email provider, it may take a few moments to receive your receipt/confirmation and welcome emails. Please be sure to check your spam and trash folders within your email account. If you find the emails in an unexpected place, be sure to drag them to your primary inbox, or save our email address so that they won’t be buried again in the future.
If you don’t find any emails, please reach out to us! There may have been a typo in your email address when you signed up or perhaps something went wrong with your method of payment. No matter what, we are happy to help!
I am trying to sign in for a new Kajabi account and had to request a link to change my password. Will the password reset also change Teachable login?
The password reset for Kajabi will not affect your Teachable login, both course platforms are not connected in any way.
Accessing Materials on Teachable
What is the login for Teachable/Soul Tarot School?
The link to log into your account on Teachable is: https://soultarotschool.teachable.com/sign_in You can also find both the login links on this site as “Teachable Login” in the menu as well as in the footer.
My payment plan lapsed? What do I do?
Teachable will automatically retry failed attempts on the 3rd, 7th, and 14th day after the original purchase date and if you haven't updated your payment information before the final attempt, it will automatically unenroll you from the course.
Our team will reach out to you to help you pick up where you left off in your payment plan and in the course or you're welcome to reach out to us at info@tarotforthewildsoul.com.
If we are not able to reach you and if we do not receive payment from you within 60 days, your account will be turned over to our financial team to bring about a resolution.
How can I update my billing information in Teachable?
There's an easy and secure way for you to update your credit card information once you have a new card. Login to your account at soultarotschool.com, click the circular icon in the top right corner for your profile and then choose "Add / Change Credit Card" from the dropdown menu. It will take you to a screen where you can update your billing info. Once you do that, click on the "Manage Subscriptions" tab to double check the new card is associated with your payment plan with the course name. You can also follow along with this guide with pictures here (scroll down to where it says "Add/Change Credit Card").
Once you do that, the course payment processor automatically tries the card method on file every few days or so until it goes through, and you should be set moving forward.
I just purchased a new course but I’m not seeing it in my Teachable course dashboard. Where is it?
All new purchases are now done through our new course platform, Kajabi! When you signed up for this course, a new account on Kajabi was created for you and that is where you’ll find your newest purchases! We will no longer be updating or adding offerings to Teachable accounts.
Is my Kajabi account connected to Teachable?
Kajabi and Teachable are not connected. All new courses will be in Kajabi, we will no longer be updating or adding offerings to Teachable.
I like Teachable better than Kajabi, can’t I just choose not to use Kajabi?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! Please know that one of the main reasons we have moved course platforms was because of the ease of use and helpful features that Kajabi provides for our students.
You are very welcome to continue to access your course materials on Teachable, but we will not be updating or adding new offerings to Teachable. If you feel called and able to join us in a new offering on Kajabi, we would be so honored to have you!
I still have payments left on a course that is in Teachable, what happens to my payment plan and course access within this shift?
Your payment plan will continue for the amount of payments that you signed up with. This shift from Teachable to Kajabi will not affect your payment plan if it is still ongoing.
Can you add a course from my Kajabi account to my Teachable account?
Unfortunately, no we cannot. We will not be able to add new offerings to Teachable or update existing offerings that are in Teachable. In order to access new offerings, you must purchase them through Kajabi, and once they are purchased, you are welcome to download them and access them in whatever way is most convenient to you.
Still have questions?
Email us at info@tarotforthewildsoul.com and we’ll get back to you with answers